Coronavirus Tracing App Commences Beta Testing
After a 3-week set back: Coronavirus tracing app commences beta testing
A Canadian mobile phone application designed to alert users if they are or have been in proximity with an individual who has the Coronavirus is now in the stage of beta testing. The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau communicated in June that the application would be available for testing only in Ontario beginning in the early parts of this month. The government has not explained the reasons for the set back in the trial to look for bugs and other challenges.

Presently, the Canadian Digital Service; the bureau that places federal services on the internet is requesting that persons should sign up and put the application through its paces for more than two to four days. The bureau said it is intended to test the application and not the individuals. Partakers will be requested to conclude definite assignments with the application and give a review of the functionality of the application.

When the application is completed and functioning fully, the "Coronavirus Alert" application is expected to trace phones' whereabouts corresponding to another without taking private information centrally to any place, by making use of statistical recognition distinctive to each phone. This way, users can be informed if their phones have currently been in proximity to the phone of an individual who recently offers to have tested positive for the new coronavirus. The bureau explained that the application during the testing will send invalid notifications to ensure the system’s functionality.
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